Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/204

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glóir, glory glórṁar, glorious
greann, fun greannṁar, funny
luaċ, price, value  luaċṁar, valuable
líon, number líonṁar, numerous
neart, strength neartṁar, powerful
sgáṫ, a shadow sgáṫṁar, shy, startled
lúṫ, activity lúṫṁar, active, nimble

(c). Very many adjectives are formed from nouns by the addition of AṀAIL or EAṀAIL (both pronounced oo-il or u-wil). All these adjectives belong to the third declension.

fear, a man fearaṁail, manly
bean, a woman beanaṁail, womanly
flaiṫ, a prince flaiṫeaṁail, generous
ainm, a name ainmeaṁail, renowned
meas, esteem measaṁail, estimable
(pl. laeṫe), a day laeṫeaṁail, daily
gráin, hatred gráineaṁail, hateful
cara (pl. cáirde), a friend cáirdeaṁail, friendly
naṁa (pl. náiṁde), an enemy  náiṁdeaṁail, hostile
croiḋe, a heart croiḋeaṁail, hearty, gay
(gen. ríoġ), a king ríoġaṁail, kingly, royal
caoi (pl. caoiṫe), a way caoiṫeaṁail, opportune
riar, order riaraṁail, subject, docile, obedient
gean, affection geanaṁail, affectionate
moḋ, manner moḋaṁail, mannerly