Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/242

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565. There is still another preposition which can be used between the nouns to express another alteration in meaning—

Tá teaċ ċum coṁnuiġṫe agam. I have a house to live in.
Tá capall ċum marcuiġeaċta aige. He has a horse to ride on.

If in any one of these sentences the wrong preposition be employed the proper meaning cannot be expressed.

566. In translating the simple English infinitive of an intransitive verb, use the simple verbal noun in Irish: as,

He told me to go to Cork. Duḃairt sé liom dul go Corcaiġ.
An empty bag cannot stand. Ní ṫig le mála folaṁ seasaṁ.
It is impossible to write without learning.  Ní féidir sgríoḃaḋ gan foġlaim.
I prefer to walk. Is fearr liom siuḃal.
He cannot stand. Ní ṫig leis seasaṁ.
Tell him to sit down. Abair leis suiḋe síos.
Tell them to go away. Abair leo imṫeaċt.