Page:Great Neapolitan Earthquake of 1857 Vol 2.djvu/227

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Synoptic Meteorological Table, from the Records of the Royal Marine Observatory, Naples, giving the Mensual Means at 9 A.M., for Barometer, Thermometer, and Hyetometer, for the Years 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, and 1857, being that of the Earthquake, and of the four years preceding, with January and February of 1858.

Years 1853. 1854. 1855.
Months B. T. H. B. T. H. B. T. H.
January 755.29 10.4 60.4 755.32 11.10 123.8 756.75 7.64 82.44
February 770.32 9.7 286.3 754.52 7.64 17.8 750.00 12.0 60.2
March 751.33 10.3 193.2 755.17 10.32 20.15 750.32 12.05 155.6
April 757.02 14.2 28.3 758.01 14.41 38.27 751.66 14.58 33.3
May 753.51 20.4 35.7 753.04 18.73 132.44 753.34 18.25 102.0
June 753.88 21.9 28.6 753.06 12.83 32.60 755.79 21.8 96
July 755.90 26.80 0. 754.37 25.34 43.90 754.88 25.6 0.
August 755.06 26.2 25.8 755.75 25.51 7.12 755.84 24.4 12.7
September 753.81 22.9 66.07 757.84 20.77 14.10 756.83 22.0 190.2
October 756.20 19.5 90.5 756.55 17.86 110.35 755.29 20.4 60.2
November 754.59 14.7 113.2 750.37 12.19 315.3 750.48 14.0 31.5
December 750.92 10.9 270.4 753.22 9.74 141.9 758.21 9.2 90.2
Means for the whole year at 9 A.M. 755.65 17.3 1199.1 754.77 16.4 997.7 754.11 16.80 1014.3