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Scipture, they were very mindful of death. Believe me, death may ſurpriſe us before we be awate; for it is moſt certain, that we muſt die; but, there is nothing more uncertain than the way how, and the time when we ſhall die.

Death will ſurpriſe ſome, as it did Abel in the open fields, Geneſis iv. 8. Death will ſurpriſe ſome, as it did Eglon in his parlour, Judges iii. 21. And, death will ſurpriſe ſome, as it did Saul and Jonathan in the fight, 1 Samuel xxxi.

Now, in ſpeaking to this point, I ſhall, Firſt, Speak a little to the advantages which attend thoſe that live within continual ſight of death. Second y I ſhall give you ſome conſiderations to preſs you to prepare for death. Thirdly ; I ſhall give you ſome directions to help you to prepare for death. And then we ſhall proceed unto the ſecond point of the doctrine, which we obſerved from the text. And I ſhall ſpeak a few things from it unto you, and ſo come to a cloſe for this time.

Firſt then, We conceive there are theſe ſeven advantages which attend thoſe who live within the continual sight of this truth, that they muſt die.

Firſt, The faith of approaching death, will make a ſoul exceeding diligent in duty. This was our bleſſed Lord’s divinity, John ix. 4. “ I muſt woak the work Him that