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“made with hands, eternal in the heavens: Therefore, in this we groan, earneſtly deſiring to be clothed upon with our houſe which is from heaven.” What aileth you, Paul, (might one have ſaid) may ye not take a-look of the world? No, ſaith he, “For I know, that if our earthly houſe of this tabernacle were diſſolved, I have a houſe with God, not made with hands, but eternal in the heavens.” That is, I know, that ere long, the pins of my tabernacle will be looſed, and it will fall down about my ears ; therefore, I muſt look for another dwelling-houſe. And, 1 Cor. vii. 31. “The faſhion of this world paſſeth away.” Therefore, ſaith he, ver. 32. “I would have you without carefulneſs, caring how to pleaſe the Lord.” And, Philipians iv. 5. “Let yoar moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” As if he had ſaid, I intreat you to be ſober. But I think many of us will be found like Saul, hid among the ſtuff; that is, we will be lying among the midſt of the pleaſures of this paſſing world. But I say unto thee, who art ſuch an one, that death will break the ſtrings of thy harp, thy muſic will quickly ceaſe. O but death will make thee to have a low eſteem of the world! O blessed is the perſon, who hath theſe thoughts of the world all along in his way which he ſhall have of it at death! Have not the moſt