Page:Great importance of a suitable preparation for death (1).pdf/24

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I ſhall only ſay this, That all the other graces muſt low the ſail to faith ; and ſo it is, faith muſt carry us through, being the last triumphing grace, which muſt fit the field for us, when all the other graces will faint and ly by.

Now, to preſs you to make uſe of Chriſt, conſider, If ye embrace not Chriſt now, death will be very unplcaſant unto you.—— O what elſe can comfort thee, when going through the region of the ſhadow of death, but this, I am Chriſt’s! I am Chriſt's!— Is there any other thing that can comfort the in that day, but only this, I am Chriſt’s, and he is mine! And, O how blessed is the perſon that can ſing that ſong, in view of death and the grave, Pſal. xlviii. 14 “ This is my God, he will be my guide even unto death,” O how happy is he that can ſay, when his eye-ſtrings ſhall begin to break, “Though I walk through the ſhadow of death, yet will I fear no ill; for I know “the Lord is wlth me?” If death find you in an eſtranged ſtate from God, I defy the angels in heaven to free you out of that ſtate. Therefore, I ſay unto each of you “O prepare to meet thy God!” Haſte, haſte in time, and come out of the land of your captivity, and from the houſe of your bondage, and take Chriſt for your Redeemer. Amen.

F I N I S.