Page:Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14.djvu/436

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Athens, early history of, 57-65 ; reforms in byDraco and Solon, 65-68, by Cleisthenes, 72-6 ; tyranny in, 68-72 ; becomes a naval power, 107 ; its hostility to Persia, 91 ; promises help to Aristagoras, 95 ; taken by Xerxes, 117 ; position of in Confederacy of Delos, 3, 129, 134-6, 145 ; fortifications of, 135 ; offended by Spartans, 136 ; long walls at, 141 ; adornment of, 146 ; unpopularity of, 157-8 ; makes alliance with Corcyra, 160-1 ; plague at, 309, 362 ; occupied by Lysander, 197 ; renewed confederacy of, 211 ; Macedonians in, 239 ; restored freedom of, 281-2 ; hostility of to Philip V., 286 ; becomes "friend" of Rome, 289 ; a Roman province, 307 ; joins Mithradates, 326 ; besieged by Sulla, 328 ; benefited by Pompey, 334-5 ; excludes Caesar's officers, 335 ; favours Antony, 337-8 ; altar to Augustus at, 341 ; Literature at, 23 ; philosophy at, 25-6, 309, 362 ; once the centre of intellectual life, 132-3, 153
Athos, Mount, 99 ; canal of, in Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, 87
Attalus I., king of Pergamus, 281-3, 286
Attalus II., brother of Eumenes, 304
Attalus III., leaves his royal rights to Rome, 317-18
Attica, nature of, 68 ; invasions of, 169, 289
Augustus (Octavian), 338, 339 ; his restorations in Greece, 340, 341, 343


Babrius, fabulist, 23, 372
Babvlon, 83, 87 ; Alexander at, 234-5
Bacchiadae of Corinth, 49
Bacchylides, 23, 264, 368, 403
Bactriana, 234
Balearic Islands, pirates of, 316
basileus and basileia, 21
Berytum, 340
Bion, 267, 397
Bithynia, kingdom of, 236, 272, 330 ; Roman province of, 342
Black Sea, trade with, 41 ; see Pontus
Boeotia, federation of, 57 ; submits to Persia, 99 ; Thebes claims supremacy in, 212 ; decline of, 247-8 ; disturbances in, 294, 302-3 ; federation of dissolved by Romans, 305 ; subject to Rome, and its territory made ager fublicus, 307-8 ; occupied by Mithradates, 329
Bosporus, the, 281
boulè of Athens, the, 72
Brasidas, Spartan general, 170, 175-6
Bruttius Sura, 327
Brutus, M., 323, 337
Byzantium submits to Persia, 99 ; reoccupied by Persians after revolt, 97 ; besieged by Greek fleet, 130, 145 ; again occupied by Persians, 193 ; joins Athenian confederacy, 211 ; Epaminondas at, 214 ; revolts from Athens, 217 ; attacked by Philip, 221 ; sea power of, 236, 272 ; at war with Rhodes, 281 ; joins Rhodes and Chios to secure peace, 283 ; Pontic occupation of, 330


Caecilius Metellus, Q., 332
Caesar, C. Julius, colonises Corinth, 307, 309 ; his officers occupy Greece, 336 ; visits Greek cities in Asia, 337
Calchedon, 91, 193
Callias, peace of, 142, 298
Callicrates, 301
Callidromus, Mt., 114, 248