Page:Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14.djvu/439

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Dodona, oracle of, 15
dokimasia, 73
Dorian dialect, 26 ; Dorians in Peloponnesus, 38 ; Dorian Hexapolis in Asia, 85
Dorilaus, general of Mithradates, 329 30
Draco, 65-6
Drama, the, 26-7, 371
Dyme, 314, 333
Dyrrachium, 309, 340


Earth and water, demand of, 99
Ecbatana, 83
Echinadae, battles off the, 239
Education in Greece, 348 ff
Egesta, 178, 185
Egypt, mention of in Homer, 15 ; Greek colonists in, 41 ; taken by Persians, 86-7 ; revolts in, 108, 141 ; Alexander in, 232-3 ; kingdom of after Alexander, 235-6; friendship of with Rome, 284, 289 ; furnishes ships to Lucullus, 329 ; made a province by Augustus, 341
Eira, Mt, 55
Elateia, 221, 290
Elea, philosophers at, 132
Elegiac poetry, 23, 371
Eleusinian mysteries, profanation of, 181 ; Augustus initiated in, 340 ; significance of, 366
Elis, 38, 5r, 56, 273
Empedocles, 132, 264
Epaminondas, 213-14, 216
Ephesus, 81, 95 ; taken by Alexander, 231 ; joined to Pergamus, 299 ; temple of Artemis at, 325; inscriptions at, 330, 337 ; Augustus benefactor of, 340. 342
Ephialtesof Malis, traitor, 114
Ephialtes, Athenian statesman, 139
Ephors at Sparta, the, 52
Epicharmus, 264
Epicurus, 26, 34, 244, 358, 361
Epicurean writings at Ikrculaneum, 403
Epidamnua (Dyrrachium), revolution at, 158
Epidaurus, temple at, 329 ; joins Corinth and Mgina against Athens, 140
Epinikia, 23
Epipolae, 187-8
Epirus, 12, 41 ; punishment of by Romans, 305; joined to province of Macedonia, 307 ; desolation of, 309
Erechtheus, 58, 149
Eretria in Euboea, 25 ; captured by Persians, 101-2 ; separation from Athens by Augustus, 342
Etruscans, 132 ; pirates, 259
Euboea, 143, 191, 216, 218 ; declared free by Romans, 293 ; submits to Mithradates, 327
Euclides, archonship of, 199
Eumenes, king of Pergamus, 293, 299, 300, 303-4 ; falls out of favour at Rome, 304
Eumolpidae, priests of Demeter, 182
Euripides, 29, 154, 164, 386-90, 403 ; on athletes, 45
Eurybiades, Spartan commander, 112
Eurycles, prince of Sparta, 341
Eurymedon R., battles of the, 131
Eurymedon, Athenian general, 188-9
Evagoras, king of Cyprus, 196


Festivals, Greek, 45
Fimbria, 330
Flaccus, 330
Flamininus, T. Quintus, 290-4
Four Hundred, revolution of the, 192-3


Gaugamela, 233
Gauls (Celts) invade Greece, 248, 251, 273