Page:Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14.djvu/441

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Kadmeia, citadel of Thebes, 210


Laconia, Dorians in, 2, 38
Lamachus, 1S1, 1N5, 187
Lamia, 238-9, 296
Lampsacus, 195, 296
Laodicea, 338
Larisa (Asia), 12 ; (Thessalv) 111, 335
Laurium, silver mines at, 65, 315
Lechaeum, port of Corinth, 208
Leleges, the, 11
Lemnos, 91
Leonidas, king of Sparta, 112-16
Leonnatus, 238
Leontini, 264
Leosthenes, 238
Leucadia, 294
Leotychides, king of Sparta, 100 ; at Mykale, 125
Lesbos, ports of, 23 ; joins with Samos and Chios to resist Persians, 126 ; revolt of, 170, 191
Leucippus, 358
Leuctra, battle of, 212-13
Lilybaeum, 262
Livia in Sparta, 342
Locri Epizypherii, 252
Lucian, 25
Lucretius, 358
Lucullus, 329, 330, 332
Lvcaonia, 299
Lycia, 82, 331, 338
Lycon, prosecutor of Socrates, 204
Lycortas, 300
Lvcurgus, Spartan law-giver, 51-5
Lycurgus, tyrant of Sparta, 278
Lycurgus, Attic orator, 401
Lydia, 81, 299
Lygdamis, 93
Lyric poetry, 23, 367
Lysander, Spartan general, 194-6, 198, 208
Lysias, orator, 401
Lysicrates, choragic monument of, 150
Lysimacheia, 286
Lysimachus, king of Thrace, 236, 269-71, 285
Lysippus ot" Sicyon, sculptor, 33


Macedonia, 3, 12, 91 ; rise of, 215 ; supremacy of, 2l6 position of alter Alexander, 235 ; influence in Greece, 278 ; wars with Home, first 282-3, second 282-91 ; divided into four districts, 303 ; made a Roman province, 307 ; Pontic troops in, 330 ; governed by M. Brutus, 337
Magna Gnecia, 3, 26, 251
Magnesia ad Sipylum, battle of, 298, 331
Magnesia (in Greece). 112
Mamertini, the, 261
Mantinea, 176-7, 210, 213-14
Marathon, battle of, 101-6
Mardonius reorganises Asiatic Greece, 98, 99 ; left in Greece by Xerxes, 121 ; killed at Plataea, 121, 123
Masanassa, 296
Medontidae, 61
Megabazus, 90-1
Megalopolis, 213, 237, 306
Megara, colonies of, 42 ; revolts from Athens, 143-4 ; its ports (Nisaea and Pagae), 144 ; Megarians excluded from Attic harbours and markets 158, 162 ; desolation of under the Romans, 336, 338
Meletus, prosecutor of Socrates, 204
Melos, revolt of, 163, 177-8
Memphis, 233
Menander, poet of New Comedy, 30, 246, 393-4, 403
Messene (in Sicily), 261
Messenia, Dorians in, 38 ; subject to Sparta, 51 ; helots in, 51 ; Messenian wars, 55 ; Messenians' revolt from Sparta, 218
Methone, 27