Page:Greek and Roman Mythology.djvu/11

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TABLE OF CONTENTS A. THE ORIGIN OF MYTHS PAGE 1. The Soul and the Worship of the Dead, 1-9 ... 1 2. The Divinities of Nature, 10-14 10 3. The Worship of the Gods, 15-19 13 B. THE GREEK GODS I. THE DIVINITIES OF THE HEAVENS. 1. Representatives of the Phenomena of the Thunder- storm : Zeus (Giants, Cyclops), 20-31 ; He- phaestus, 32, 33 ; Prometheus, 34 ; Athena (Erinyes, Gorgons, Graeae), 35-42 16 2. W* Divinities : Harpies, 43 ; Wind gods, 44 ; aes, 45-48 34 3. Lnvmities of Light: Apollo, 49-53; Helios, 54; Hera, 55, 56; Artemis, 57, 58; Hecate, 59, 60; Selene, 61, 62; Stars, 63; Eos, 64 ; Iris, 65 38 II. THE DIVINITIES OF THE EARTH, 66. 1. Fire goddess : Hestia, 67 52 2. Water divinities : Lesser Sea divinities, 68-71 ; Poseidon, 72-75; River gods, 76; Centaurs, . 77, 78; Sileni, 79; Nymphs, 80 .... 52 3. Divinities of Growth, 81 : Satyrs, 82 ; Pan, 83, 84; Dionysus, 85-93; Demeter and Core, 94- 98 ; Gaea, 99 63 vii