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30 GREEK AND ROMAN MYTHOLOGY By younger Saturn ; he from mightier Jove (His own and Rhea's son) like measure found ; So Jove usurping reign 'd. Chaucer, Knight's Tale 470, et passim. Titan as sun god : Shak., Venus and Adonis 30 : And Titan, tired in the mid-day heat. Spenser, F. Q. i. iv. 8, xi. 33. Titanes : Hesiod, Theog. 207 ; Hyginus, Pref. Cyclopes : Homer, Odys. vi. 5, viii., ix. passim; Hesiod, Theog. 139 ; Euripides, Cyclops ; Vergil, Geor. i. 471 : Quotiens Cyclopum effervere in agros Vidimus undantem ruptis fornacibus Aetnam, Flammarumque globos liquef actaque volvere saxa ! Aen. iii. 569, xi. 263, Geor. iv. 170 sq. ; Ovid, Met. xiii. 744 sq., xiv. 167 sq, ; Pope, Thebais i. 306 : Th' o'erlabour'd Cyclop from his task retires. Shak., Titus Andronicus iv. 3, 46, Hamlet ii. 2, 511. Typhoeus : Hesiod, Theog. 821 ; Ovid, Met. v. 325 sq.; Spenser, F. Q. i. v. 35. Zeus (Juppiter) : The noun stem DIV, DYU, became early a deification. The all-comprehending heavenly spaces suggest the divine presence. The word PITR ('father') was often joined to this stem. In the following hymn's DYAUS PITA ('sky- father') was worshiped among the ancient Hindus. The references are to all the places in the Rig Veda where the epithet PITR is added : Rig Veda i. 71. 5, i. 89. 4, i. 90. 7, i. 164. 33, i. 191. 6, iv. 1. 10, v. 43. 2, vi. 51. 5. In Hindu mythology, however, Indra corresponds in attributes to the Greek Zeus and Roman Juppiter more than any other god in the Indian Pantheon. The following verses from Rig Veda i., describing him as the whirler of the thunderbolt, are representative of many such ascriptions to his might which abound in the Veda. Indra, Rig Veda i. 32 : 1. The heroic deeds of Indra I shall declare which foremost he having the thunderbolt has accomplished. | He smote the dragon, he bored after the waters, he cut in sunder the bellies of the (cloud) mountains. 2. He smote the dragon lying on the mountains. Tvastar forged for him the whizzing thunderbolt. | As lowing kine, flowing suddenly the water ran down to the confluence. 3. With the lust of a bull he took the Soma, he drank of the extract in the vessels. I