Page:Greek and Roman Mythology.djvu/63

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THE GREEK GODS 49 to be regarded as the messenger of the gods, so that large wings and a herald's staff (KYJPVKUOV) were attributed to her. In the older parts of the Iliad she appears as the messenger of Zeus ; afterwards Hermes performs this function, while she serves Hera. As the rainbow was considered the harbinger of rainy weather, Iris was said to be wedded to Zephyrus, the rain wind. (See, further, Dioscuri, 134.) Apollo : Homer, II. i. 9, 14 : Arjrovs /ecu Aids vibs, K7]p6ov > A7r6XXw^os, et passim. Ovid, Her. viii. 83 : Apollinis arcus ; Met. i. 452 sq., ii. 24 ; Vergil, Aen. iv. 376 : Augur Apollo, et passim; Hyginus, Fab. clxi. ; Shak., Love's Labour's Lost iv. 3, QJQ . Bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair. Milton, Hymn on the Nativity 176 : Apollo from his shrine Can no more divine, With hollow shriek the steep of Delphos leaving. Pope, Thebais i. 577 : Reveres Apollo's vocal caves ; i 739 _ But fir'd with rage, from cleft Parnassus' brow Avenging Phoebus bent his deadly bow. Shak., Taming of the Shrew Ind. ii. 37, Antony and Cleopatra iv. 8, 29, King Henry VI. pt. iii. ii. 6, 11, Much Ado about Nothing v. 3, 25, Cymbeline ii. 3, 20, Hamlet iii. 2, 165, King Henry V. iv. 1, 289 ; Spenser, F. Q. i. i. 23, ii. 29, iv. 9. Leto: Homer, 11. xxi. 489 sq. ; Ovid, Met. vi. 160; Hyginus, Fab. cxl. ; Keats, Endymion i. 861 : Hearken, sweet Peona! Beyond the matron-temple of Latona. Python : Ovid, Met. i. 438 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. cxl. ; Pope, Thebais i. 664 : - When by a thousand darts the Python slain With orbs unroll'd lay cov'riug all the plain. E