Page:Greek and Roman Mythology.djvu/75

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THE GREEK GODS 61 So Proteus, hunted in a nobler shape, Became, when seiz'd, a puppy, or an ape. Shak., King Henry VI. pt. iii. iii. 2, 192 ; Spenser, F. Q. i. ii. 10. Triton : Hesiod, Theog. 931 ; Vergil, Aen. i. 144, x. 209 ; Ovid, Met. ii. 8 ; Milton, Comus 873 : By scaly Triton's winding shell. Shak., Coriolanus iii. 1, 89. Glaucus : Ovid, Met. xiv. 9 sq., Ibis 555 ; Milton, Comus 874: And old soothsaying Glaucus' spell. Nereides : Homer, II. xviii. 37 sq. ; Ovid, Amor. ii. 11, 35, Met. xi. 361. Amphitrite : Ovid, Met. i. 14 ; Keats, Endymion ii. 108 : I would offer All the bright riches of my crystal coffer To Amphitrite. Thetis : Homer, II. i. 351, et passim, xviii. 35 sq. ; Ovid, Met. xi. 221 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. liv.; Shak., Troilus and Cressida i. 3, 38, Pericles iv. 4, 41. Ino (Leucothea) : Homer, Od. v. 333 ; Hesiod, Theog. 976 ; Ovid, Met. iv. 488 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. ii., iv. Melicertes (Palaemon) : Ovid, Met. iv. 523 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. i., ii. Charybdis ; Scylla : Homer, Od. xii. 104 sq. ; Ovid, Met. xiii. 730 sq., Ibis 385; Vergil, Aen. i. 200, iii. 420; Milton, Par. L. ii. 1019 : - Or when Ulysses on the larboard shunn'd Charybdis, and by the other whirlpool steer'd ; ii. 660 : Vex'd Scylla bathing in the sea that parts Calabria from the hoarse Trinacrian shore. Poseidon (Neptunus) : Hesiod, Theog. 15 ; Ovid, Epis. xviii. 129 ; Vergil, Geor. i. 14, Aen. i. 125 sq. ; Hyginus, Fab. clvii. ; Pope, Rape of the Lock v. 50 : - Blue Neptune storms, the bellowing deeps resound. Shak., The Tempest v. 1, 35, Coriolanus iii. 1, 256, King Richard II. ii. 1, 63, Macbeth ii. 2, 60, Antony and Cleopatra ii. 7, 139 ; Spenser, F. Q. i. iii. 32, xi. 54.