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Auld Nature sweats the lovely dears,
Her noblest work she classes, O,
Her 'prentice hand she tried on man,
And then she made the lastes, O.


Tom Starboard was a lover true,
As brave a tar as ever sailed,
The duties ablest sea men do,
He did, and never yet had failed.
Bat wreck'd as he was homeward bound,
Within a league of England's coast,
Love sav'd him sure from being drown'd,
For all the crew but Tom were lost.

His strength restor'd, Tom hied with speed.
True to his love e'er was man.
Nought had he sav'd, nougat did he need,
Rich he in hopes of lovely Nan.
But scarce five miles poor Tom had gained,
When he was pressed, he heaved a sigh,
And said tho' cruel was his lat,
Ere flinch from duty, he would die.