Page:Greenwich v Latham (2024, FCA).pdf/19

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(a) "What mark latham said was the truth, why is everyone so offended? I'll tell you why, it's because deep down you all know it's a disgusting act but are too afraid to speak out";
(b) "I think your reporting is worse than what either of them said. You're piling on Mark for saying the truth about Alex, grub act";
(c) "Good on Mark Latham for his honesty, that's more that the current far leftist do…"; and
(d) "Where's the criticism of the defamatory tweet from Greenwich? While these sodomites keep ranting, real people will keep giving them hell."

40 On the evening of 30 March 2024, Mr Greenwich attended a work-related event at the Capella Hotel in Sydney with his husband, Mr Hoeld. He published a photograph of the two of them at the event on Twitter that same evening with the following caption:

For those wondering how I'm doing after Latham's homophobic attacks today, I'm fine and I'm more motivated than ever to deliver long overdue LGBTIQA+ reforms…and I have the most handsome husband.

41 Tweets published by Twitter users in reply to this post were annexed to Mr Greenwich's first affidavit as Annexures AG-35 to AG-37. They included:

(a) "Daily reminder 86% of paedophiles describe themselves as homosexual or bisexual. These people need to be removed from all levels of polite society and government." (posted on 31 March 2023);
(b) "@RealMarkLatham did nothing wrong. Groomers out of government" (also posted on 31 March 2023); and
(c) "I just don't get the infatuation of stinky d!€k during sex [shrug emoji]" (posted on 2 April 2023).

42 Mr Greenwich's evidence was that he was "really shaken" by people approaching him at the Capella event and asking about the primary tweet "rather than [his] work as an elected representative." He deposed that when he and Mr Hoeld went home, he "burst into tears and cried for most of the night."

43 The following morning, Mr Greenwich and Mr Hoeld decided to leave Sydney and went to stay at a friend's house in Port Macquarie for the weekend.

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050