Page:Grierson Herbert - First Half of the Seventeenth Century.djvu/408

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Tatler, The, 324.
Taylor, Jeremy, 204, 215 and note, 220.
Tebaldeo, 326, 332.
Temple, The., 165-167.
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, 222.
Testi,'Fulvio, 338, 340, 343-345, 365.
Théagene et Cariclée, 291.
Théodore, 312, 314.
Théophile, 321, 365.
Theophrastus, 224.
Thijm, J. A. Alberdingk, 2 note, 3, 42.
Thomson, James, 139.
Tis Pity, 131.
To His Coy Mistress, 179.
Tourneur, Cyril, 119, 120.
Traherne, Thomas, 171-174, 374.
Traité des Pass-ions, 253, 275.
Traitor, The, 133.
Trent, Council of, 377.
Trevelyan, G. M., 200.
Trissino, 340.
Tristan I'Herraite, 292, 297.
Triumph of Peace, 132.
Troubles of Queen Elizabeth, 111.
Tyr et Sidon, 300.

Underwoods, 160.
Unities, The, 297-299, 301, 304, 309.
Urquhart, Sir T., 234, 235.

Van der Eembd, 64.
Van der Goes, 42.
Van der Noot, Jan, 10.
Van der Wiele, Stalpert, 41, 42.
Van Effen, 48.
Van Noppen, L. C, 71 note.
Van Spee, Friederich, 358.
Vaughan, Henry, 167-169, 172, 174, 178, 179, 196, 197, 198.
Vaumorier, Pierre de, 264.
Venceslas, 323.
Vendanges de Surenne, Les, 324.
Verney, Sir E., 241.
Vianey, M. J., 326.
Viau, Théophile de, 254, 255, 268, 295, 296.
Virgidemiarium, 225.
Virgile Travesti, 271.
Virginie, 301.
Visscher, Anna, 13, 15, 27.
Visscher, Eoemer, 12, 13, 19.
Visscher, Tesselschade, 13, 15, 19, 27.
Vivonne, Catherine de, 251.
Voiture, Vincent, 177, 255.
Vollenhove, 42.
Volpone, 96, 97, 101, 102.
Voltaire, 321, 349.
Vondel, 4, 17, 22-34, 36, 37, 42, 43, 46, 65-82, 165, 169, 171, 192, 193 note, 198, 312, 363, 364, 372.
Vondel and Milton, 81.
Vos, Jan, 81.
Vossius, 44, 69, 78.

Waller, Edmund, 156, 179, 186, 187.
Walton, Isaac, 213 note, 243.
Ward, Dr A. W., 121 note.
Ward, W. C, 332 note, 335.
Webster, John, 85, 110, 113-119, 124, 125, 130, 214, 369.
Weckheriin, G. Rodolf, 353.
Wendell, Prof. Barrett, 135 note.
Westward Ho! 106, 107.
What you Will, 105.
Whibley,C., 234 note, 235.
Whichcote, Benj., 374.
White Devil, The, 113, 116, 117.
Widow's Tears, 87.
Willcook, Rev. John, 234 note.
Wilson, John Dover, 366 note.
Winkel, Prof. Te, 76, 78.
Wither, George, 144, 145-147.
Woman killed with Kindness, A, 112.
Women Beware Women, 110.
Wordsworth, C, 243 and note.
Wordsworth, William, 172, 189, 343. Wybrands, Aemstel, 52.

Your Five Gallants, 109.

Zedeprinten (Huyghens), 225.
Zegers, Gustaaf, 193 note.
Zincgref, Julius Wilhelm, 353.
Zinnespelen, 53.