Page:Grigory Zinoviev - Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1921).pdf/20

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cleaning shall take place, but in such a manner that the cohesion of the proletarian movement should come to no harm." Later on he discovered other formulas, such as a combination of cleaning and autonomy, which means that the cleaning should be left entirely to the Party concerned.

This was followed by a discussion on the question at the Central Committee of the Italian Party, where two resolutions were proposed, one by Comrade Terracini and another by Comrade Baratano, a friend of Serati. Comrade Terracini demands unconditional acceptance of the 21 conditions. Comrade Baratano also demands acceptance, but that the Party shall leave to itself the interpretation of the conditions.

On a vote being taken by the Central Committee, Comrade Terracini obtained the majority, and Serati was defeated. Serati, to frighten the people, announced his resignation as editor of "Avanti." Our Italian comrades, instead of hailing this resignation with enthusiasm, declared that this wouldn't do, that Serati must stay. Our comrades have by this time found out their mistake, and we do not wish to throw salt upon their wounds. But they did commit a mistake in retaining Serati at his editorial post, oh the assumption that he would carry out the decisions of the Central Committee. Serati retained control of "Avanti," the great influential newspaper with its 200,000 circulation, using it for every purpose but the carrying out of the decisions of the Central Committee. He began an outrageous polemical campaign of mud-slinging against the Executive. Later on I will read to you some of the spiciest quotations. Then came the Reformist conference at Reggio Emilia. The Reformists at that conference organised themselves into a "concentration section." They certainly did concentrate. Truati and d'Aragona took part in the conference. These people are shrewd and know better than to come directly before the Italian workers and declare themselves against the Com-