Page:Grigory Zinoviev - Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1921).pdf/34

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"Le nouveau groupe du Parti socialiste est compose de 123 deputes dont 3 élus en signe de protestations comme emprisonnés et non adhérents au Parti. Il reste donc 120 deputes socialistes, dont 49 de droite, 42 de gauche et 30 du centre."

(The new group of the Socialist Party is composed of 123 deputies, three of which who do not belong to the Party, have been elected as a protest against their having been imprisoned. There consequently remain 120 Socialist deputies, of whom 48 belong to the Right section, 42 to the Left, and 30 to the Centre.)

Thus, Cesare Alessandri, a friend of Serati, declares that the new group consists of 120 deputies, of whom 48 belong to the Right section, 42 to the Left, and 30 to the Centre. Comrades, you must consider what the term "Right" means for Italy, when employed by Cesare Alessandri. It means simply the same as Scheidemann, Noske.

By "Right" is meant Cesare Alessandri, while the "Left" group includes Ladzari, Maffi and others, who will or will not come here. Ladzari was a decided pacifist during the war, something like Bernstein. On the "Right" there is a Mr. Dugoni.

I received a newspaper yesterday containing a description of a conference at Mantua, where Dugoni had made a report, and had the following resolution passed: "The Conference, having examined the situation created in the Trade Union and Co-operative movement by recent events, protests against any form of violence by whomever and wherever "practised." (Laughter.) Thus, at a trade union congress a friend of Serati's offers a resolution that the Congress protest against any act of violence of whatever origin. Quite a neutral attitude making no distinction between acts of violence coming from the bourgeoisie or from the proletariat:—it is always bad. Such is his view-point.

I should like to give you another quotation where