Page:Grigory Zinoviev - Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1921).pdf/78

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really revolutionary paper, developing upon revolutionary lines. Comrade Trotsky in his speech yesterday gave a striking illustration. There are a score of such questions which the "Humanité" has left out of consideration. By the way, this is being admitted by French comrades themselves, in official reports as well as in private conversation. Loriot to-day gratefully said: "We are well aware that our paper, that our faction, is opportunist. We know that we are still doing many things badly." The Executive believes that the right moment has come now for the Executive to act firmly and say frankly what we expect from the French Party.

Comrade Lenin was right in stating that the French Trade Unions are in good condition, that a decided step forward can be seen in the Trade-Union movement. But when he adds that this is due to the work of the French Party, I must say that Lenin did not study the question well. Even the French comrades make ho such claim. Loriot himself has said that the Party does no good work within the unions, pursuing there a rather hazy sort of policy. Should the Syndicalists obtain a majority at the next Congress, they would not know what use to make of their majority, nor would the Party be any wiser in this respect. Yet, we see a decided forward movement in the unions, in spite of the hesitation and haziness of the Party upon this question. (Approval).

The Party has not yet taken a clear course in this question, and it is because of this that the Syndicalists have no clear course. This has also given rise to the present situation, where the Syndicalists are consciously striving to create their own political party.

Here I would like to say a few words in regard to the arguments advanced by Comrade Schwab. He said that the example of France should teach us the lesson that the decisions of the Second Congress in regard to the Trade Union Congress, did not answer the purpose. On the contrary, it is just this French