Page:Grimm's Fairy Tales.djvu/91

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Honest Fritz had worked hard all his life, but ill luck befell him; his cattle died, his barns were burned, and he lost almost all his money. So at last he said, "Before it is all gone I will buy goods, and go out into the world, and see whether I shall have the luck to mend my fortune."

The first place he came to was a village, where the boys were running about, crying and shouting. "What is the matter?" asked he. "See here!" said they, "we have got a mouse that we make dance to please us. Do look at him; what a droll sight it is! how he jumps about!" But the man pitied the poor little thing, and said, "Let the poor mouse go, and I will give you money." So he gave them some money, and took the mouse and let it run: and it soon jumped into a hole that was close by, and was out of their reach.

Then he travelled on and came to another village: and there the boys had got an ass, that they made stand on its hind legs, and tumble and cut capers. Then they laughed and shouted, and gave the poor beast no rest.