Page:Grimshaw, Bagshaw and Bradshaw.djvu/26

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cautously at door, l. h., crosses behind towards door, r. c., unperceived and listens.)

Grim. Towzer, you shall have your Emily.
Fan. (aside) Ah!
Grim. I repeat, Towzer, you shall have your Emily, (about to go towards door of closet, r. c., meets Fanny face to face) Here's another—ha, ha, ha!
Fan. (taking his arm) Here I am, dear!
Grim. (aside) She calls me dear!
Fan. (to Towzer, with pretended surprise) A stranger! I beg your pardon, Sir; I thought my husband was alone.
Grim. Husband? pooh, pooh!
Fan. (aside and pinching him) Hush! back me in all I say. (aloud and taking Grimshaw's arm) I'm rather late, dear; but you won't be angry with your poor little Amelia?
Grim. Amelia! (Fan. pinches him) Affairs are getting more complicated than ever; if this goes on much longer, I shan't know my head from my tail; but never mind, I rather like this—(looks at Fanny—then suddenly kisses her) say no more—I forgive you—there! (kisses her) I decidedly like this—I forgive you again. (about to kiss her again)
Tow. (looking at them suspiciously) Um! rather odd you didn't tell me you were married, eh! Bradshaw?
Fan. (with pretended surprise) Bradshaw! what does he mean by Bradshaw, dear?
Grim. I don't know—he will insist upon calling me Bradshaw, though I've been telling him all along that my name is——
Fan. (with intention) Bagshaw!
Grim. No. (Fanny pinches him) Yes, of course, Bagshaw!
Fan. John Bagshaw, medical student.
Tow. Indeed! Then, Mr. John Bagshaw, I beg to say that I've been running after you for the last eighteen months.
Grim. You don't say so! Well, as you must be rather tired by this time, perhaps you'd like to take a chair.
Tow. No, thank you—I'd rather take you. (laying his hand on Grimshaw's shoulder, and producing writ.)
Grim. Take me?
Tow. Yes, at the suit of Stephen Stitch, tailor, for eight pounds ten. So come along, Bagshaw!