Page:Groton In The Witchcraft Times.djvu/31

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Warren in a fit being carried to him the said Willard she said Warren was presently well upon his grasping her arm, & farther that severall of the afflicted also then testified, that divers of those he had murthered then rose up against him, & farther that he could by no means rightly repeat the Lords Prayer thô he made manifold assayes.

Mr. Samuel Parris and Nathanael Ingersoll and: thomas putnam did uppon the oath which they had taken did before us the Juris of inquest owne this thar testimony: this 3 . day of June: 92:

Sworn in Court by Mr Parris & Tho: Putman

june the .3. 1692:

Sarah Vibber aged 36 yeares or thear abouts testifie and saith the be for Jno Welard was exammend at the uilleg I being in Left Engorsols Chambor I saw ye aporition of john willard com to mary wolcot & marcy luis & hurt them griuosly & almost choked Them Then I tould of it & emediatly ye said wiliard fel upon me & tormented me greuesly & pinched me. & threw me down

Sarah uibber: ownid this har testimony before us the Jurriars for Inqwest: this . 3 . of June: 1692

Jurat in Curia

The deposition of Lydia Necols aged . 46 yeares and of Margaret Knight . aged . 20 . yeares who testefy and say.

That the wife of John Willard being at her fathers house when the said Willard liued at Groten she made a lamentable complaynt how cruelty her husband had beaten her. she thought her selfe that she should neuer recouer of the blows he had giuen her: the next morninge he was got into a litle hole vnder the stayres . and then she thought some thinge extra ordinary had befallen him then he ran out at the doore: and ran up. a steep hill . almost impossible for any man to run vp: as she sayd: then she tooke her mare and rid away. fearing some euil had ben intended agaynst her. and when she came to the house of Henery or Beniamin Willard she told how it was with her and the sayd Henery Willard or both went to looke after him and met him comeinge in a strange distracted frame

The deposition of Thomas Baly aged 36 yeares who testefieth and sayth.