Page:Groves - Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3rd edition.djvu/3

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It has been the editor’s aim, to give as much as possible the history of this dear servant of God in his own words; interspersing only a few notices, in order to make the records left in his own writing more intelligible to strangers.

The journal of his residence in Bagdad, published in 1831, having been some time out of print and often inquired for, it has been thought desirable to introduce into this Memoir an abstract of the less interesting parts and copious extracts from the remainder. In the present divided state of the Church, it may be found useful to review the life of one whose whole history illustrates the possibility, amidst every division, of remaining a witness to the true unity of the one family of God, of rejoicing in every display of the grace of God, and of joyfully acknowledging His work, wherever it was manifested.

Throughout his whole course, Mr. Groves fully acted out what he often delighted to express, that he felt more united with Christians for what he saw the Spirit of God had wrought in them, than separated from them on account of differences of judgment.

An extract from a letter from Dr. Duff, a well known missionary, may take the place of any prefatory remarks on the part of the editor:—

“I rejoice to learn that there is to be a memoir of so