Page:Groves - Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3rd edition.djvu/5

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The rapid sale of the first edition of this work, and the numerous testimonials received by the editor, relative to the blessing and spiritual profit derived from its perusal, have led to the publishing of a second edition. It is with peculiar pleasure testimonies such as the following have been received, from those to whom both the editor and the subject of these Memoirs were strangers.

One, a clergyman of the Church of England, writes to a friend:—

“Next to the incomparable and unapproachable word of God, I do not ever remember to have read a book which has touched my heart, engrossed my affections, and quickened my soul in such a manner, as the touching Memoir which pourtrays the life and inmost thoughts of that dear departed saint, the heavenly-minded A. N. Groves; while, at the same time, it affords such a bright and blessed example of the power of grace and reality of spiritual religion. 0 si sic omnes!

“B. W. Saville.”

Newport, April 5th, 1856.”

Another unknown friend writes to Mrs. Groves:—

“I cannot help expressing the great gratification I have in reading the ‘Memoir,’ and how much the large-hearted