Page:Groves - Memoir of Anthony Norris Groves, 3rd edition.djvu/55

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liberty to minister the word.

value the liberty I had to minister in the things of Christ, and felt its importance. From that moment, I have myself never had a doubt of my own liberty in Christ to minister the word; and, in my last visit to Dublin, I mentioned my views to dear Mr. Bellett and others.

“This is a short sketch of some eventful changes in my views, as well as those of dear Mary, who, to the day of her death, had not a misgiving as to their truth. I cannot doubt the Lord’s most gracious direction during the period to which the preceding remarks refer; nor can I doubt His guidance since, which, I think, has been as fully marked.

In allusion to the changes here noticed, he thus writes to his friend Mr. Caldecott:―

“What little leisure I have for reading is confined to God’s word, the book of our Father’s wisdom. I have very little confidence in man; my great desire has been to cast myself on the word of God, that every judgment of my soul, concerning all things may be right, by being, in all, the mind of God. For exactly in proportion as this is the case, shall we be a blessing to others. Oh, for a heart to love as He loved! Oh, for such meekness, gentleness, and devotion as shone in every thing He did, who is our Great Exemplar. I assure you, my dear friend, the very circumstance that you are so near my heart makes me fear to meet you; for in those things which, whilst they have no place in heaven, have great influence here in separating ‘chief friends,’ my mind has undergone a very great revolution. Do not think that I allude to those things which have essentially to do with the lineaments of our dear Lord’s character; for although I can report little advance, yet I hope my soul has not declined in its love to Him, His services, or His servants. Oh, for more and more of that vital acquaintance with the love of Christ to a perishing world, which enables the soul in truth to say, ‘The love of Christ constraineth me!’ The Lord blesses me with intervals of sweet communion with Himself; yet, on the whole, I wonder at my indifference as to spiritual and eternal things, after the many mercies we