Page:Growing Up (1928).djvu/69

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After you had used all the food in your egg you were fed by your mother. When your stomach formed, a long tube grew out of it. At the end of this tube was a kind of sponge. This sponge took from your mother the food you needed to help you grow. Perhaps you have noticed a little curled dent, called the navel, in the middle of your body. That is where the tube entered your stomach.

All this time you were living in the uterus of your mother. When you first entered the uterus it was very small, not much bigger than a pear, but as you grew the sides of the uterus stretched to make room for you. Your mother's whole body became larger so that it could take better care of you. Her breasts grew bigger so that they could fill with milk for you to draw from them after your birth.

When you had been growing for nine months you were ready to be born. You were lying in the uterus all curled up like a little kitten asleep. The time had come for you to leave your mother.

The sides of the uterus now stopped stretch-