Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/187

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V. Costarica, consisting of 8 Departments-Capital San José.
DEPARTMENTS. No. of Towns and Villages DEPARTMENTS. No. of Towns and Villages
1. San José, 3 5. Iscan, 2
2. Cartago, 5 6. Alajuela, 1
3. Ujarras, 3 7. Eredia, 2
4. Boruca, 2 8. Bagases, 3
Comprises 21 Towns and Villages—Population computed at 50,000.

These five states unitedly contain about 22,000 square leagues of territory, forming, in shape, a triangular polygon; its point lying in the province of Panama, and its base in the line that separates it from New Spain. They are bounded north by the Atlantic, south and south-west by the Pacific, south-east by the province of Veraguas, and west and north-east by Mexico, and comprise a population of about a million and a half. These by their representatives, expressed their determination to be governed on the principles of federal republicanism, and the basis of their constitution is declared to be in accordance with those principles. It ordains the legislative power to reside,

I. In a Federal Congress, composed of representatives elected by the people; with whom it shall rest to make war and peace, to direct the army, the mint, and the general administration of the government.

II. In a Senate, composed of two senators popularly elected by each state; whose privilege it