Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/33

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canoe comprise all their wealth, and these supply all their necessities.

Enclosed by inaccessible mountains and morasses, and protected by a coast full of rocks and shoals, they are exposed to few dangers from without; a country abounding in game and provisions, spontaneously supplies their daily wants; a climate more salubrious than that of the West India islands, removes the necessity of clothing; while entire freedom from the destructive ravages of hurricanes and earthquakes, enables the slightest hut to afford them sufficient shelter. In such a situation every stimulus to exertion is removed, and, in this state, they may rather be said to vegetate than to live.

Several attempts have been made to introduce Christianity amongst them, by the Dominican monks from Guatimala, but hitherto without effect.

A Mr. Fleming and his wife left England in the year 1825, for this shore, under the direction of the Baptist missionary society, but, unhappily, they both died on their arrival at Belize.

The king has expressed his willingness to receive and protect any individual who would reside as a teacher amongst them.

Of their religious belief little is known, excepting that they acknowledge a good and a bad spirit. The latter, however, is the only object of worship,