Page:Guatimala or the United Provinces of Central America in 1827-8.pdf/50

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of considerable distress and vexation. The inconveniences of horse or rather mule exercise under a tropical sun, are soon found not to be trifling.

After ascending for some time from Mico, the edge of an immense valley presents itself, surrounded by high mountains gradually sloping to the ground, and forming a very large circus or amphitheatre, thickly wooded on every side chiefly with pine, and having at least sixty miles of circumference. Its appearance is sublime, but the intense heat of the sun when we crossed it reflected on all sides, with scarcely a breath of air, greatly impeded our enjoyment of its scenery. The soil here was very sandy, and in some parts the face of the country completely sterile. Vegetation seemed to be entirely burned up by the rays of the sun.

Towards evening another hut appears in the distance called Iguana, and after the exhaustion produced by the heat and fatigue of the day, it is a most agreeable resting place.