Page:Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia - 1906.djvu/197

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The Unity of the Brethren. THE EVANGELICAL HYMNS or the so called HYMNAL OF EVANČICE.

Printed and edited in Evančice (Moravia) 1564. The VI. edition of the Brethren-Hymnal and a new diligently revised reprint of the Hymnal of Šamotuly.

The Bohemian Bible called the BIBLE OF SEVERIN, printed in Prague in the Year 1537 (II. edition, 1214 pages in folio with engravings).

The printer of the Bible Pavel Severin z Kapíhory was a burgher of Prague and a firm adherent of the evangelical Church. The first edition of this Bible appeared 1529. On the last page of the book we read:

„In the year of Lord MDXXXVII. on Wednesday before the Ascension-day these Old and New Testament were printed to the Honour and Praise of the Allmighty God and to the religious edifications of all true adherents of the Bohemian language and nation: and brought to end after a great toil and at many expences by me Paul Severin z Kapíhory, burgher of the Old City of Prague.—“

The Unity of the Brethren J. A. Comenius: JANUA LINGUARUM RESERATA.

Publ. by Elzevier in Amsterodam 1643.

The best known and the most popular paedagogical book of Comenius. Translated in all languages of Europe.

The Unity of the Brethren J. A. Comenius: HYMN-BOOK (with tunes).

Published in Amsterodam by Ch. Kunrad 1659.

The last Hymn-book edited by the most famous member and the last senior of the Unity of the Brethren.

The Unity of the Brethren Jan Kapita: POSTILLA.

in 2 vol., II. edit., publ. in Prague by the printer Jonata Bohutský z Hranic 1615.

The Unity of the Brethern J. A. Comenius:

The History of the crucifixion, death, funeral and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

New (III.) edition publ. in Berlin 1757.

A harmony of the Gospels.

CHURCH HISTORY of Eusebius Pamphilus, the Bishop of Caesaria in Palaestina.

Translated out of Latin by Jan Kocín z Kocínetu and printed and published by Daniel Adam z Veleslavína in Prague 1594.