Page:Guide to the Bohemian section and to the Kingdom of Bohemia - 1906.djvu/239

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14th. century fortifications with bastions and towers are still standing.

From Beroun we can make an easy trip to the old castle of Křivoklát (Pürglitz), travelling by a branch railway through the romantic valley of the Mže (29 km). This castle is known to have been in existence previous to 1110, and we learn that it was subsequentby rebuilt. The contemplation of this fine old structure never fails to arouse the interest of the tourist; not only on account of its architecture but in consequence of the stirring historical incidents with which it is associated and the names the thoughts recall, of the eminent personages who at different periods have been resident within its walls. Here for a time dwelt Blanche de Valois, wife of Charles IV, also the beautiful Philippine Welser, wife of the archduke Ferdinand, these and many others found a happy and congenial abode in this place, but on the other side of the castle, other and unwilling guests were lodged in underground dungeons, amongst those who suffered for their opinions; were, John Augusta, bishop of the Bohemian Brethern, William of Lobkovic and others.

The gothic hall dates from the reign of Wenceslaus IV. That of the knights, and the chapel with its beautiful groined ceiling from the period of the dynasty of the Jagellons and Wenceslaus II. Noteworthy too are the stained glass windows, pictures, and the baptismal font in pewter erected in 1603.

We now return to the main-line which we again leave at Zdice to turn to the South. On the way and not far from Beroun, is the great iron foundry and metal manufactory at Králův Dvůr (King’s Court), the hunting lodge of Wenceslaus IV.

At a distance of 28 km, from Zdice, is the famous old silver mining town Příbram.

The annual yield of the mines averages about 178 q of silver and a great quantity of lead and litharge. By applying at the office of the works, visitors are granted permission to view the mines and foundries. The mine known as St. Vojtěch’s and Mary’s has a shaft 1100 m in depth. The town itself is of a modern type and is the resort of many pilgrims on their way to visit the Svatá