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Chapter Page
I The “Four Faces” are Human Faces with four different peculiarities 252
II The Ḥayyot and the Ofannim 252
III Further Explanation of the Ḥayyot and the Ofannim derived from Ezek. x. 255
IV The rendering of Ofan by Gilgal in the Targum of Jonathan 256
V The Vision of Ezekiel is divided into three stages: (1) Ḥayyot (=the Spheres); (2) Ofannim (=Earthly elements); and (3) the man above the Ḥayyot (=Intelligences) 257
VI On the Difference between the Vision of Ezekiel and that of Isaiah (vi.) 258
VII The Different Ways in which the Prophet perceived the Three Parts of the Mercabah (Chariot) 259
VIII Man has the Power to Control his Bodily Wants and Earthly Desires 261
IX The Material Element in Man Prevents him from Attaining Perfection 264
X God is not the Creator of Evil 265
XI Man is the Cause of his own Misfortunes 267
XII Three Kinds of Evil: (1) That caused by the Nature of Man; (2) Caused by Man to Man; (3) Caused by Man to himself 267
XIII The Universe has No other Purpose than its own Existence 272
XIV It is the Will of the Creator that the Spheres regulate the Affairs of Mankind 277
XV Impossible Things are not ascribed to the Creator, but it is difficult to Prove the Impossibility in each Individual Case 279
XVI On God's Omniscience 280
XVII Five Theories concerning Providence 282
XVIII Every Individual Member of Mankind enjoys the Influence of Divine Providence in proportion to his Intellectual Perfection 289
XIX It is an ancient Error to Assume that God takes no Notice of Man 290
XX God's Knowledge is Different from Man's Knowledge 292
XXI The Creator's knowledge of His Production is Perfect 295
XXII Object of the Book of Job, and Explanation of the First Two Chapters 296
XXIII Job and his Friends Discuss the various Theories concerning Providence 299
XXIV On Trials and Temptations 304
XXV The Actions of God are Not Purposeless 307
XXVI The Divine Precepts Serve a certain Purpose 310
XXVII The Object of the Divine Precepts is to Secure the Well-being of Man's Soul and Body 312
XXVIII This Object is easily seen in some Precepts, whilst in others it is only known after due Reflection 313
XXIX On the Sabeans or Star-worshippers 315
XXX It is one of the Objects of the Law of Moses to Oppose Idolatry 320
XXXI The Law Promotes the Well-being of Man by teaching Truth, Morality and Social Conduct 321
XXXII Why did God give Laws to Oppose Idolatry instead of Uprooting it directly? 322
XXXIII Another chief Object of the Law is to Train Man in Mastering his Appetites and Desires 327
XXXIV The Law is based on the ordinary conditions of man 328
XXXV Division of the Precepts into Fourteen Classes 329
XXXVI First Class of Precepts, to Know, Love and Fear God 331
XXXVII Second Class, Laws concerning Idolatry 332
XXXVIII Third Class, Moral Precepts 338
XXXIX Fourth Class, Laws relating to Charity 339
XL Fifth Class, Compensation for Injury and the Duty of Preventing Sin 342
XLI Sixth Class, Punishment of the Sinner 344
XLII Seventh Class, Equity and Honesty 350