Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/58

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thicken the stew with three dessertspoonfuls of flour, wet with a scant cup of water.

New England Boiled Dinner

This consists of corned beef, white and sweet potatoes, cabbage, beets, turnips, squash, parsnips, and carrots. The quantity depends upon the size of the family. Eight pounds of meat is sufficient for a family of eight. Boil the meat four hours, the beets three hours, the cabbage one and a half hours, squash and turnips three-quarters of an hour. Boil these in one kettle, all together. Beets, carrots and parsnips should be boiled with the skin on. Pare the potatoes, pare and slice the squash and turnip. Pick the outer leaves from cabbage and cut in quarters. When done, pare parsnips and carrots. Drop the beets into cold water and slip the skin off with the hand.

Brunswick Stew

1 Chicken or 3 Pounds of 1 Onion
Lamb 4 Potatoes
4 Ears of Corn Salt and Pepper
6 Tomatoes

Cook the chicken or lamb until tender in two quarts of water. Take from the water and chop fine. Put back in the liquor, add the corn, cut from the cob, tomatoes, onion, and potatoes all chopped,