Page:Gurney - Things Mother Used to Make.djvu/62

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Boston Baked Beans

Pick over and wash three cupfuls of small white beans; cover with cold water and soak over night. In the morning, put them on the stove, just to scald, not boil, in the same water. Pour off the water and put into an earthen bean-pot. Add seven teaspoonfuls of sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, one half-pound of salt pork, fat and lean mixed. Cover with water, and bake from eight A. M. until six A. M. As the water boils away add more.

A Breakfast Dish

Take stale brown bread, no matter how dry, and boil until it is soft like pudding. Serve hot, with cream.

Cracker Tea for Invalids

Take four Boston crackers, split open, toast to a delicate brown on each side. Put these into a bowl, or earthen dish of some kind, pour over them a