Page:Guy Mannering Vol 1.djvu/143

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the act, and ye ken yoursell they used to put their run goods into the auld Place of Ellangowan up bye there."

"Oh dear, Mr Bertram, and what the waur were the wa's and the vault o' the auld castle for having a whin kegs o' brandy in them at an orra time? I am sure ye were not obliged to ken ony thing about it; or what the waur was the King that the lairds here got a soup o' drink, and the ladies their drap o' tea at a reasonable rate?—it's a shame to them to pit such taxes on them!—and was na I much the better of these Flanders head and pinners, that Dirk Hatteraick sent me all the way frae Antwerp? It will be lang or the King sends me ony thing, or Frank Kennedy either. And then ye would quarrel with these gypsies too. I expect every day to hear the barn yard's in a low."

"I tell you once more, my dear, you don't understand these things—and there's Frank Kennedy coming galloping up the avenue."