Page:Guy Mannering Vol 1.djvu/78

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good English, "Donner and blitzen! we have been staying this half hour—Come, bless the good ship and the voyage, and be cursed to ye, for a hag of Satan!"

At this moment he noticed Mannering, who, from the position which he had taken to watch Meg Merrilies's incantations, had the appearance of some one who was concealing himself, being half hidden by the buttress behind which he stood. The captain, for such he stiled himself, made a sudden and startled pause, and thrust his right hand into his bosom between his jacket and waistcoat, as if to draw some weapon. "What cheer, brother? you seem on the outlook—eh?"

Ere Mannering, somewhat struck by the man's gesture and insolent tone of voice, had made any answer, the gypsey emerged from her vault and joined the stranger. He questioned her in an under tone, looking at Mannering—"A shark alongside; eh?"

She answered in the same tone of under