Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/121

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that's what I'm thinking of.—I am not mad, although I have had enough to make me sae—I am not mad, nor doating, nor drunken—I know what I am asking, and I know it has been the will of God to preserve you in strange dangers, and that I shall be the instrument to set you in your father's seat again.—Sae give me your promise, and mind that you owe your life to me this blessed night." "There's wildness in her manner, certainly," thought Brown, "and yet it is more like the wildness of energy than of madness.

"Well, mother, since you do ask so useless and trifling a favour, you have my promise. It will at least give me an opportunity to repay your money with additions. You are an uncommon kind of a creditor, no doubt, but"——

"Away, away, then!" said she, waving her hand. "Think not about the goud—it's a' your ain—but remember your promise, and do not dare to follow me or look after me." So saying, she plunged again