Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/126

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think over the matter more maturely," he said; "perhaps there may be a regiment quartered at the county-town, in which case my knowledge of the service, and acquaintance with many officers of the army, cannot fail to establish my situation and character by evidence, which a civil judge could not sufficiently estimate. And then I shall have the commanding officer's assistance in managing matters so as to screen this unhappy madwoman, whose mistake or prejudice has been so fortunate for me. A civil magistrate might think himself obliged to send out warrants for her at once, and the consequence in case of her being taken is pretty evident—No, she has been upon honour with me if she were the devil, and I will be equally upon honour with her—She shall have the privilege of a court-martial, where the point of honour can qualify strict law. Besides I may see her at this place, Kipple—Couple—what did she call it?—and then I can make restitution to her, and e'en let the law claim its