Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/142

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'Julia, my dear, you are either a fool outright, or you are more disposed to make mischief than I have yet believed you.'

'Oh, my dear sir! put your best construction upon it—I would not be thought a fool for all the world.'

'Then why do you talk like one?'

'Lord, sir, I am sure there is nothing so foolish in what I said just now—every body knows you are a very handsome man,' (a smile was just visible) 'that is, for your time of life,' (the dawn was overcast) 'which is far from being advanced, and I am sure I don't know why you should not please yourself if you have a mind–I am sensible I am but a thoughtless girl, and if a graver companion could render you more happy'——

'There was a mixture of displeasure and grave affection in the manner in which my father took my hand, that was a severe reproof to me for trifling with his feelings. 'Julia,' he said, 'I bear with much of your petulance, because I think I have in some