Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/194

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kirk stile through Woodbourne fir-plantings, and we saw nae mair o' him."

"Only think," said Mrs Mac-Candlish, "what a hard heart he maun hae had, to think o' hurting the poor young gentleman before the leddy he was to be married to!"

"O, Mrs Mac-Candlish," said Glossin, "there's been many cases such as that on the record—doubtless he was seeking revenge where it would be deepest and sweetest."

"God pity us!" said Deacon Bearcliff, "we're puir creatures when left to oursells!—aye, he forgot wha said, 'Vengeance is mine, and I will repay it."

"Weel, aweel, sirs," said Jabos, whose hard-headed and uncultivated shrewdness seemed sometimes to start the game when others beat the bush—"Weel, weel, ye may be a' mista'en yet—I'll never believe that a man would lay a plan to shoot another wi' his ain gun. Lord help ye, I was the keeper's assistant down at the Isle my-