Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/201

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Spoke of, that's kept by her that your honour kens of, by the sea side.—So says she, what are you wanting here? ye'll be come wi' a broom in your pocket frae Ellangowan?—So says I, deel a broom will come frae there awa', for ye ken, says I, his honour Ellangowan himsell in former times—"

"Well, well, no occasion to be particular, tell the essentials."

"Weel, so we sat niffering about some brandy that I said I wanted, till he came in."


"He!" pointing with his thumb inverted to the kitchen, where the prisoner was in custody. "So he had his griego wrapped close round him, and I judged he was not dry-handed—so I thought it was best to speak proper, and so he believed I was a Manks man, and I kept aye between him and her, for fear she had whistled. And then we began to drink about, and then I betted he would not drink out a