Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/21

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have six terriers at hame, forbye other dogs. There's auld Pepper and auld Mustard, and young Pepper and young Mustard, and little Pepper and little Mustard—I had them a' regularly entered, first wi' rottens—then wi' stots or weazles—and then wi' the tods and brocks—and now they fear naething that ever cam wi' a hairy skin on't."

"I have no doubt, sir, they are thorough bred—but, to have so many dogs, you seem to have a very limited variety of names for them?"

"O, that's a fancy of my ain to mark the breed, sir—The deuke himsell has sent as far as Charlies-hope to get ane o' Dandy Dinmont's Pepper and Mustard terriers—Lord, man—he sent Jamie Grieve the keeper, and sicken a day as we had wi' the foumarts and the tods, and sicken a blithe gae-down as we had again e'en! Faith, that was a night!"

"I suppose game is very plenty with you?"