Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/211

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county jail. Is there not a strong room up yonder in the old castle?"

"Aye is there, sir; my uncle, the constable, ance kept a man there for three days in auld Ellangowan's time. But there was an unco dust about it—it was tried in the inner-house afore the fifteen."

"I know all that, but this person will not stay there very long—it's only a makeshift for a night. There is a small room through which it opens, you may light a fire for yourselves there, and I'll send you plenty of stuff to make you comfortable. But be sure you lock the door upon the prisoner; and, hark ye, let him have a fire in the strong room too, the season requires it. Perhaps he'll make a clean breast tomorrow."

With these instructions, and with a large allowance of food and liquor, the Justice dismissed his party to keep guard for the night in the old castle, under the full hope and belief that they would neither spend the night in watching nor prayer.