Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/218

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falling bars—he is at the window again–the light is quite obscured now—he is getting out!"——

A heavy sound, as of a body dropped from a height among the snow, announced that Hatteraick had completed his escape, and shortly after Glossin beheld a dark figure, like a shadow, steal along the whitened beach, and reach the spot where the skiff lay. New cause for fear! "His single strength will be unable to float her," said Glossin to himself; "I must go to the rascal's assistance.—But no! he has got her off, and now, thank God, her sail is spreading itself against the moon—aye, he has got the breeze now—would to heaven it were a tempest to sink him to the bottom!"—After this last cordial wish, he continued watching the progress of the boat as it stood away towards the Point of Warroch, until he could no longer distinguish the dusky sail from the gloomy waves over which it glided. Satisfied then that the