Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/227

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The light shewed his savage and stern features, and the smoke, which in his agony of cold he seemed to endure almost to suffocation, after circling round his head, rose to the dim and rugged roof of the cave, through which it escaped by some secret rents or clefts in the rock; the same doubtless that afforded air to the cavern when the tide was in, at which time the aperture to the sea was filled with water.

"And now I have brought you some breakfast," said Glossin, producing some cold meat and a flask of spirits. The latter Hatteraick eagerly seized upon, and applied to his mouth; and, after a hearty draught, he exclaimed with great rapture, "Das schmeckt!—That is good—that warms the liver!"—Then broke into the fragment of a High-Dutch song,

"Saufen bier, und brante-wein,
Schmeissen alle die fenstern ein;
Icli ben liederlich,
Du bist liederlich,
Sind wir nicht liederlich leute a."