Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/254

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"My friend Mr Charles Hazlewood will not probably be anxious, Mr Glossin, to listen to what cannot concern him—and now when he has left us alone, let me pray you to be short and explicit in what you have to say. I am a soldier, sir, somewhat impatient of forms and introductions." So saying, he drew himself up in his chair, and waited for Mr Glossin's communication.

"Be pleased to look at that letter."

The Colonel read it, and returned it, after pencilling the name of the writer in his memorandum-book. "This, sir, does not seem to require much discussion—I will see that Miss Bertram's interest is attended to."

"But, sir,—but, Colonel Mannering, there is another matter which no one can explain but myself. This lady—this Mrs Margaret Bertram, to my certain knowledge, made a general settlement of her affairs in Miss Lucy Bertram's favours while she lived with my old friend, Mr Bertram, at Ellangowan. The Dominie—that was