Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/256

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'Tis most excellent
To win the land that's gone and spent.

No, no, I love the smack of the whip—I have a little, a very little law yet, at the service of my friends."

Glossin ran on in this manner, thinking he had made a favourable impression on Mannering. The Colonel indeed reflected that this might be a most important crisis for Miss Bertram's interest, and resolved that his strong inclination to throw Glossin out at window, or at door, should not interfere with it. He put a strong curb on his temper, and resolved to listen with patience at least, if without complacence. He therefore let Mr Glossin get to the end his self-congratulations, and then asked him if he knew where the deed was?

"I know—that is, I think—I believe I can recover it—In such cases custodiers have sometimes made a charge."