Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/284

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but Jock o' Dawston Cleugh again, he contravenes that, and says that it hauds down by the auld drove road that gaes awa' by the Knot of the Gate ower to Keeldar-ward—and that makes an unco difference."

"And what difference does it make, friend? How many sheep will it feed?"

"Ou, no mony—it's lying high and exposed—it may feed a hog, or aiblins twa in a good year."

"And for this grazing, which may be worth about five shillings a year, you are willing to throw away a hundred pound or two?"

"Na, sir, it's no for the value of the grass—it's for justice."

"My good friend, justice, like charity, should begin at home. Do you justice to your wife and family, and think no more about the matter?"

Dinmont still lingered, twisting his hat in his hand—"It's no for that, sir—but I would like ill to be bragged wi' him–he