Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/286

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"Aweel, sir, if ye think it wad na be again the law, it's a'ane to Dandie."

"Hold! hold! we shall have another Lord Soulis' mistake—Pr'ythee, man, comprehend me; I wish you to consider how very trifling and foolish a law-suit you wish to engage in."

"Aye, sir? So you winna take on wi' me, I'm doubting?"

"Me! not I—go home, go home, take a pint and agree." Dandie looked but half contented, and still remained stationary. "Any thing more, my friend?"

"Only, sir, about the succession of this leddy that's dead, auld Miss Margaret Bertram o' Singleside."

"Aye, what about her?" said the counsellor, rather surprised.

"Ou, we have nae connexion at a' wi' the Bertrams—they were grand folk by the like o' us—But Jean Liltup, that was auld Singleside's housekeeper, and the mother of these twa young ladies that are gane–the last o' them's dead at a ripe age, I trow—Jean Liltup came out o' Liddle