Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/306

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"A hundred, and the auld repeater."

"That's but sma' gear, puir thing; she had a sair time o't with the auld leddy. But it's ill waiting for dead folk's shoon."

"I am afraid," said the politician, who was by Mannering, "we have not done with your old friend Tippoo Saib yet—I doubt he'll give the Company more plague; and I am told, but you'll know for certain, that East India Stock is not rising."

"I trust it will, sir, soon."

"Mrs Margaret," said another person, mingling in the conversation, "had some India bonds. I know that, for I drew the interest for her–it would be desirable now for the trustees and legatees to have the Colonel's advice about the time and mode of converting them into money. For my part I think—But there's Mr Mortcloke to tell us they are gaun to lift."–Mr Mortcloke the undertaker did accordingly, with a visage of professional length and most grievous solemnity, distribute